There were a couple of good gardening days this week which tempted me to don my thick coat, gloves, thermals, tall boots and brave the cold.

The rose pruning continues slowly but surely.  Despite my ambitious plans I fear I will still be doing this for weeks to come  I tackled the delectably named Reine des Violettes and snipped and tied her into her crinoline.

Mr B pruned the lower branches from the Silver Birch so she gets more light and hopefully by June she will look like this.

Madame Alfred Carrier is being dug up and moved. I blame Monty. It’s definitely all his fault (possibly). A few years ago he planted said rose on a large shadyish wall, as did I. As with Monty’s rose, so it was with mine. She grew and grew in a desperate search for more light and seldom produced a flower. A few months ago he dug her up to replace her with Wollaton Old Hall, a David Austin rose, which I happened to have growing in a somewhat out of the way spot. A brilliant idea formed to have Mr B dig up and replant these roses giving each a new home more suited to their needs. 

Apparently this wasn’t as easy as it looks. 

The snowdrops are inching their way up. I'm anticipating a full carpet of white blooms in two weeks time.  There’s not much else to see in the garden flower wise. 

The primulas seem to be moving at a similar (slow) pace to the snowdrops. I carefully selected the ones with the paler leaves so I would have white and primrose yellow to suit my colour scheme. It works with foxgloves. But not with primula it would seem. 

That’s it for my garden round up this week. Thank you for reading and I hope you have stayed safe and well despite the storms. 


  1. The header photo is beautiful! The colours are superb. Very nice progress of your snowdrops compared to mine. Still waiting.

  2. Moving the Rose certainly looks like hard work. I’m sure it will be worth the effort. Like Fred, I’m also waiting for Snowdrops
    Ann - thequiltinggardener


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